iOS Xcode
These are sample projects. They include the free version of LiteSync with some limitations (1 table per database + no encryption)
These limitations are not present on the full libraries
SQLite.swift wrapper
There are 2 sample projects using the SQLite.swift wrapper
The first one has a simple interface using SQL:
try db.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Tasks (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, done INTEGER)") try"INSERT INTO Tasks (name, done) VALUES (?,?)", name, Int(done!)) for row in try db.prepare("SELECT * FROM Tasks") { let id = row[0] as! Int64 let name = row[1] as! String let done = Int(row[2] as! Int64) print("id: \(id) name: \(name) done: \(done)") }
The second one uses objects:
let tasks = Table("tasks")
let id = Expression
Native SQLite interface
This sample project uses the native SQLite interface
let queryString = "SELECT * FROM Tasks" var stmt:OpaquePointer? if sqlite3_prepare(db, queryString, -1, &stmt, nil) != SQLITE_OK{ let errmsg = String(cString: sqlite3_errmsg(db)!) print("error preparing statement: \(errmsg)") return } while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW){ let id = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0) let name = String(cString: sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1)!) let done = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 2) print("id: \(id) name: \(name) done: \(done)") } sqlite3_finalize(stmt)
For both projects:
1 Install LiteSync on a computer
2 Start a SQLite shell as the primary node binding to a TCP address
3 Modify the TCP address to connect to on the project code
4 Build and run the project on the simulator or device
To open the database on the primary node we use a command like this:
sqlite3 "file:test.db?node=primary&bind=tcp://"